- an item or service that is illegal in Sri Lanka
- an item or service that is not located in Sri Lanka
- an invalid phone number or email address
- an unrealistic offer
- offensive language
- offensive pictures
- text in the title or description that is not related to the advertised item or service
- pictures that do not match or clearly show the advertised item or service
- text in the first picture (except logos and product codes)
- a non-specific item or service, e.g. a description of a company in general terms
- a URL link that is not relevant to the advertised item or service
- offers and requests for items or services in the same ad
- exact same content as another ad, re-published within 7 days.
- multiple items in the same ad
- “work from home" jobs
- counterfeit goods, knockoffs or replica versions of another company’s product
- In addition, once the ad is posted, the product or service in the ad cannot be changed.
What are the rules for posting on AutoLanka.com
Jan 08, 2021